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Keywords: Russian Center

TEPAV Director Sak: "You can not become a regional power if yo do not know your neighbors well" Delivering an opening speech in the Conference "Russian Language Education in Turkey", Sak maintained that a country who does not know the countries of the region well and have experts in this field could not became a regional power and underlined that Turkey has to built capacity in this regard.
Haber Resim
25/10/2010 ANKARA - "Russian Language Education" Conference organized by TEPAV Russian Center in cooperation with TOBB ETU Department of International Entrepreneurship and Moscow State University Center for Foreign Language Education began in Ankara on Octobe [More]
TEPAV Russian Center opened
Haber Resim
12/05/2010 ANKARA- Russian Center was launched in TOBB ETÜ campus in cooperation with TEPAV and Russkiy Mir Foundation.TEPAV Director Güven Sak, TOBB ETÜ Rector Yücel Altunbaşak and Russkiy Mir Foundation Director Vyacheslav Nikonov participated at the ope [More]